Like Some Agreement Crossword Clue

If you’re an avid crossword solver, you’d know that crossword clues can range from simple to extremely tricky, and sometimes, they can stump even the most seasoned solvers. One such clue that has been making rounds in recent times is “like some agreement crossword clue.”

The clue might seem simple at first glance, but it has left many crossword enthusiasts scratching their heads. So, what does “like some agreement” mean in the context of crossword puzzles?

Well, the answer lies in understanding the different types of words and phrases that are commonly used in crossword clues. In this case, “like some agreement” is a type of wordplay called a comparison clue. It’s an indicator that the answer to the clue is a word or phrase that is similar to or resembles some kind of agreement.

The answer to this particular clue can be one of several words or phrases, such as “verbal,” “written,” “tacit,” “implicit,” “formal,” “gentleman`s,” or “handshake” agreement, among others.

But how can you figure out which one is the correct answer? That`s where your knowledge of SEO comes in handy.

SEO, or search engine optimization, is the practice of optimizing content to rank higher in search engine results. In the context of crossword puzzles, SEO can be used to search for the most common and popular answers to specific clues.

By using online resources such as crossword dictionaries and search engines, you can find the most likely answers to a crossword clue, based on the number of letters and the letters already filled in. For example, you can search for “like some agreement crossword clue 7 letters” to find the most common 7-letter words that fit the clue.

Another useful tip is to look at the clues in adjacent squares to narrow down the possible answers. For instance, if the adjacent squares reveal that the answer begins with “W,” then you can quickly eliminate other answers that don’t start with that letter.

In conclusion, understanding the different types of wordplay used in crossword clues and using SEO techniques to find the most common answers can greatly improve your chances of solving tricky clues like “like some agreement crossword clue.” So, keep practicing, and happy solving!

Article by rgpacific

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