Subject Verb Agreement Ielts

Subject-verb agreement is one of the most important grammar rules to master when preparing for the IELTS exam. It is a fundamental aspect of English language and must be understood well to score high in the writing and speaking modules of the test.

What is subject-verb agreement?

Subject-verb agreement means that the verb used in a sentence must agree with the subject in terms of number. This means that if the subject is singular, the verb must also be singular; and if the subject is plural, the verb must also be plural.

For example:

– She sings beautifully. (Subject: She – Singular verb: sings)

– They sing in a choir. (Subject: They – Plural verb: sing)

The subject-verb agreement rule applies to all verb tenses and moods, including present tense, past tense, and future tense.

Why is subject-verb agreement important for IELTS?

Subject-verb agreement is a crucial aspect of English grammar that the examiners of IELTS pay close attention to. Correct usage of this rule ensures clarity and fluency in communication. Inappropriate usage, on the other hand, can lead to confusion and ambiguity, which can be detrimental to your score.

In the writing module of the IELTS exam, subject-verb agreement can affect your coherence and cohesion scores if you make errors in your sentences. Similarly, in the speaking module, you will be judged on your ability to use correct grammar while speaking.

Tips to improve your subject-verb agreement:

1. Pay attention to the subject of the sentence

Before using a verb, make sure you confirm the subject of the sentence. If the subject is plural, use a plural verb; if it is singular, use a singular verb.

2. Practice subject-verb agreement exercises

Practice is the key to perfection. Look for exercises and quizzes online that focus on this grammar rule. This will help you familiarize yourself with different sentence structures, subjects, and verbs.

3. Read and write regularly

Reading different materials and writing regularly will help you understand how subject-verb agreement works in different contexts. This will help you develop an instinctive understanding of this rule.

4. Use grammar books

Refer to grammar books that explain the subject-verb agreement rule in detail. These books will provide you with examples of common errors and tips to avoid them.

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is an essential aspect of English grammar that you must master before taking the IELTS exam. It is crucial for both written and spoken communication, and to score well in the test. By practicing regularly, referring to grammar books, and paying attention to the subject of the sentence, you can improve your subject-verb agreement skills and ace the IELTS exam.

Article by rgpacific

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